Extension activities
Extension activities in the neighborhood community in terms of impact
and sensitizing students to social issues and holistic development.
Plastic Waste free Campaign- Event at Panaikulam village
As a part of this campaign students from our Institute also participated in this event where more
than 50 students participated in the plastic waste free campaign from Panaikulam Ramanathapuram district About 600 kg plastic waste was collected from across the city.
The plastic waste free campaign would go a long way in inculcating among
the young generation which would contribute to the benefit of society for healthy life by way of
protecting the environment.
Blood Donation Camps: Department of BCA with government hospital in panaikulam Blood Bank, Blood donation camp were organized on various occasions every year. Large number of students,
faculty, and villagers voluntarily donated the blood. They contributed in our campaign give
„Blood Save Life‟.
Blood Donation Camps
Village Adoption Programme
Panaikulam -2018
Awareness campaign for dreadful deceases.
Syed Ammal Arts and science College
Department of BCA
Objective: Small step to make giant leap
- To create awareness regarding dreadful diseases at government women school in Panaikulam village.
- To give practical exposure to the students with rural area and to make them participate in Corporate Social Responsibilities.
Concept & the Target: Generating awareness about dreadful diseases such as Dengue, Chikan
Gunya, TB, Aids, Malaria, leprosy etc.
Details of village:Panaikulam District – Ramanathapurm